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My Role in Undergraduate Research

During the summer of 2024, I took a one-week course under Dr. Naugle to help introduce me to research. After completing the course, I got involved with undergraduate research and plan to continue to grow and learn as a researcher during my undergraduate career.


In my first semester as an undergraduate researcher, I helped out with monitoring and collecting women's soccer data. They utilized the FirstBeat sensor program, and my research partner and I would monitor the real-time data through an app while the athletes were practicing. Our main focus was their Training Impulse or TRIMP scores which was a measurement of their training load based on their heart rate and the time of the session. Over the semester, I became more proficient in understanding the FirstBeat sensors and learned about the important aspects of a training session to prevent injury. I also had the opportunity to present at a PAWI talk (Physical Activity and Wellness Institute) about what our research entailed. 
Next semester, I plan to help Dr. Naugle start a new project involving the effect of pitch count on young baseball players and why it is implemented into programs. I plan to continue working on undergraduate research throughout my educational career and use the skills I learn from it to help me further my future career. 

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