My Involvement
This page will describe any important aspects of my undergraduate career, including experiences in various classes, campus involvement, or other vital experiences that shaped me into who I am today.
My Experiences
Class Experiences
One class that I took this semester was Performance & Teaching of Cardiovascular and Resistance Training (KINE-P 246). With this class, I was able to learn and practice how to teach various exercise classes and programs. We had the opportunity to teach two small lessons, one based on a specific movement, and another was a cool-down. Along with the two small lessons, we taught two forty-five-minute programs, including a resistance and cardio exercise program. Through these presentations, I was able to grow my leadership and teaching skills and practice how I will interact with clients in the future.
We presented on plyometrics for our resistance training presentation, and for our cardio, we did a cardio scavenger hunt. I had little experience teaching an exercise class and was unfamiliar with both topics, so I was nervous about presenting. Still, both opportunities have allowed me to grow in my educational career and have prepared me for the future. We were able to make both presentations fun and interactive, and I learned the importance of demonstrating exercises, encouraging clients, and fixing forms. I will be able to use what I learned from this class in my future career as an athletic trainer, just more on a one-to-one basis rather than an entire class. I will also use what I learned to help with strength and conditioning if I help create programs for athletes wherever I am in the future. Below, I have included the outlines we used to perform our resistance training and cardio exercise programs. ​