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This is a page showcasing my work as an Honors student here at IU Indianapolis. I will include my different projects and experiences that I encounter as I go throughout my undergraduate career. 

I Am...

I am a sophomore at IU Indianapolis who is studying Exercise Science to become an athletic trainer. I am very self-driven and tend to stress out over school. I am a faithful Catholic who enjoys finding new ways to grow my faith and learn more with others. I am very family and friend-oriented and love to spend my time with them whenever I can. I have met people here who have become my chosen family and have a great support system here and at home. I am adventurous and love to explore new places or try new things. I am shy, but love to meet new people and start to open up more as I get to know them. I am a dog lover and can't wait to have my own dogs one day. I am hardworking and very passionate about anything I do. I am motivated and try to be organized to help me succeed.


I Want To Become...

I will continue to create new goals and work hard to complete them. I plan to continue to work hard and stay determined to reach my goals, short and long-term. I plan to continue to make memories and gain new experiences to have a little fun in life. I plan to continue to learn more about my faith and find ways to continue to grow closer to God. I plan to grow my relationships with those close to me and find new people to create new relationships with. I plan to attend graduate school to become a certified athletic trainer. I plan to apply to as many jobs and network as much as possible to obtain the best possible job I can. I plan to network throughout my college career and put myself out there to create as many connections as possible to obtain my dream job of working with a collegiate or professional team. I plan to network by going to career fairs and volunteering at as many events as possible. I also plan to reach out to local teams to see about possibly shadowing. 

I plan to graduate feeling proud and accomplished with all the experience I have had. I plan to work hard to be able to afford my dream house and travel as much as possible. I want to get married one day and start a family. I want to travel the world and explore as many new places as possible. I want to explore places across the ocean and fly in the sky as much as possible. I want to be able to support my family and help them follow their dreams. I want to feel proud of the person I am and the person I will become. I want to become the best person I can possibly be and feel like I have succeeded in life.



While creating these statements, I was able to look at who I am now and who I want to become in the future. It allowed me to explore my interests and what is most important to me as I am here in the present. It also allowed me to look at my future and see where I want to be and what my aspirations are. Writing these statements allowed me to learn more about myself and create long and short term goals for my future. 


Honors Contract



In the Fall 2023 Semester, I completed an Honors Contract with Dr. Naugle and created a presentation about shin splints. I researched and then discussed with Dr. Naugle all aspects of shin splints, including what they are, how they develop, and how to treat and prevent them. I then also researched different exercises to help treat them and recorded videos to demonstrate the exercises. 

I really enjoyed creating this Honors Project because it allowed me to work one-on-one with Dr. Naugle and taught me the importance of communication with my professors. This project also allowed me to explore something within my field of interest, which is athletic training. Completing this project also allowed me to learn and practice time management since I had to keep myself accountability with my progress and when it was due. 


Honors Credit

Previous Honors Contracts

I have since completed two more Honors Contracts in my classes, Introduction to Sports Psychology (KINE-P 405) and Performance and Teaching of Cardiovascular and Resistance Training (KINE-P 246). For both classes I completed a PowerPoint, one on how athletic training and psychology are related and another on PNF stretching or proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. I also presented my PNF presentation in class and led my peers in a demonstration of how it works and taught them how to do some stretches themselves. 

Honors Peer Mentoring

Honors Peer Mentor

One role I took on this semester was as an Honors Peer Mentor for two incoming Honors Students. Last year, I had an honors peer mentor, and I wanted to help future honors students like my mentor had helped me. As a mentor, I made sure that my mentees had someone to go to when they had any questions and that they had someone they could trust with any issues they ran into. This experience taught me that a little help goes a long way. When I felt as if I wasn't doing a very good job as a mentor, one of my mentees thanked me for all of the help I gave them this semester, and it made me realize that I don't need to be so hard on myself. I also realized that college is a new experience for everyone, and having someone to go to with questions makes it a little easier. 

Cognitive Bias

In my H-200 class, we were tasked with researching and presenting about a cognitive bias. Our group decided to research the availability heuristic, which is when people base a decision on past experience and knowledge. We created a document to hand out to the class and see how they would rate our school. We then compared it to the rating from the website Rate My Professor and used that data to show that basing our opinions of professors and our school on these ratings is not the most reliable source. 

This project was significant because it showed me the importance of working in a group and communicating with others in the class. I also learned important aspects of being an Honors student and how to avoid common cognitive biases. This class and this project has shown me the dedication and hard work that it takes to be an Honors student and how to continue this effort in the future. 

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